
Video laryngoscopy represents one of the most significant advances in airway management in recent years. With the increased emphasis placed on ensuring the first attempt at intubation is the best attempt, the role of video laryngoscopy in airway management seems secure, at least for the foreseeable future.
Video laryngoscopes utilise the latest video and camera technology to provide an optimal (indirect) view of the larynx during the process to insert an endotracheal tube in to the patient’s trachea. There are many video laryngoscopes available, but the i-view™ from Intersurgical is the first single use adult video laryngoscope with a Macintosh type blade. By incorporating a Mac blade, i-view™ can also be used for direct as well as video laryngoscopy.

Where availability of a video laryngoscope may be limited due to the cost implications of purchasing reusable devices for multiple sites, i-view™ provides a cost effective solution, by combining all the advantages of a fully integrated video laryngoscope in a single use, disposable product. This makes i-view™ ideal for use in resuscitation, pre-hospital, emergency medicine, intensive care as well as for difficult airway cases and anaesthesia. As a result, i-view™ can make an important contribution for any hospital or healthcare organisation looking to implement Universal Video Laryngoscopy (UVL) for tracheal intubation – video laryngoscopy, wherever and whenever you intubate.

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Video laryngoscopy wherever and whenever you intubate

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