
Oxygen and nitrous oxide delivery systems

A range of breathing systems dedicated to the safe administration and scavenging of the analgesic gas mixture of 50% oxygen and 50% nitrous oxide which can be administered free flow via a variable flow meter, remotely via a cylinder or wall mounted demand valve or by a hand-held demand valve. We offer a breathing system solution for all three options.

Intersurgical has a breathing system solution for all three options. This gas mixture is provided by gas manufacturers under different brand names e.g. Entonox, Livopan and provides an easy to administer and effective tool for the management of both pre and intra hospital pain. The solubility of nitrous oxide means that the gas mixture reduces the sensation of pain and anxiety almost instantly. In the UK it has been used extensively in the emergency area and to alleviate pain associated with childbirth, since the early 1960’s. There are many therapeutic indications for the use of this gas, including emergency care, trauma, burns, reduction of simple fractures, child birth, investigative and dental procedures.
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